The Benefits of Massage for Women & Women’s Health

Recent studies have shown that there is a significant difference in the way that male
and female physiologies experience stress. Differences in lifestyle, responsibilities and
gender specific considerations indicate that women are more likely to register the
effects of stress. As mothers, homemakers and working professionals, women have a
unique set of challenges to face which lead to different stress effects, all of which can
be addressed by trained women’s massage therapists. Read on to find out the benefits
of massage therapy.

Combat Stress and Anxiety

Massages help increase blood flow to parts of the brain which are associated with mood
and stress. Studies show that a quality massage treatment can drop cortisol hormone
levels by 30% while boosting serotonin and dopamine, which improve mood.

Improve Posture and Fix Imbalances

By loosening tight muscles and reducing knots, the body is encouraged to return to its
natural posture which helps reduce discomfort, pain and even chronic muscular issues
caused by tensing due to stress. A good posture ensures that your body experiences
less wear and tear even in later years.

Boost your Immune System

At Louisa Carter Health, our approach to healthcare is rooted in the notion that the
human body and mind are part of an interconnected system which needs to be care for
with a holistic approach. By stimulating blood circulation, relaxing muscles, regulating
hormonal levels in the body and destressing the mind, you can greatly improve the
performance of your immune system. Studies show that mental stress has a direct and
negative impact on the immune system, which can leave you vulnerable to a wide range
of diseases and conditions.

Address other Health Conditions

Massage therapy can also help women tackle other health conditions such as:

  • Back pain
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Reduced mobility due to arthritis
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Conditions which may arise during pregnancy or after childbirth

Women’s Massage Therapists

At Louisa Carter Health, we believe that a holistic approach to healing, customised to
suit your exact needs, is an invaluable way to take back your health. Our team of
women’s massage therapists has the knowledge and experience to provide massage
therapy which specifically addresses the psychological and physiological challenges
faced by women today. Contact us now to find out about our non-pharmaceutical
approach to tackling depression, anxiety and pain.

Post Natal Massages Can Help Recovery After Birth

Post Natel Massage

At Louisa Carter Health, we always recommend that our pregnant clients visit a trained
pregnancy massage therapist during their pregnancy to ensure that both body and mind
are able to cope with the changes that inevitably come with bearing a child. However,
the key to starting the journey with your new baby is to ensure that your body is able to
recover fully with the help of trained massage therapists. A post natal massage program
is extremely important as it helps both physical and emotional recovery, regulating
hormones, relieving pain, reducing swelling and can even improve breastfeeding.

Read on to find out more about the benefits of post natal massage.

Benefits of Post Natal Massage

Post natal massages have been shown to help recovery and promote overall health.
Just some of the benefits include:

Stress Reduction

Whether it’s a light massage or a deep tissue massage, post natal massage helps to
reduce physical and psychological stress caused by the pregnancy process. Many new
mothers experience temporary postpartum depression or feelings of overwhelm, and a
skilled massage therapist can help them get through this challenging time.

Pain Relief

Post pregnancy aches and pains are sometimes exacerbated by breastfeeding and
holding the child, which can cause pain in the arms and shoulders. Post natal massage
can help your body adapt to these new demands without the need for painkillers. Even
chronic or severe pain can be alleviated over multiple sessions.

Hormone Regulation

Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in the body increase during pregnancy.
After childbirth, prolactin and oxytocin increase to help with breastfeeding. During these
hormonal changes, a massage program can help reduce unwanted hormones such as
cortisol, regulate dopamine and serotonin as well as maintain cardiovascular health.

Improved Breastfeeding

By relaxing the body with massage therapy, a new mother experiences better blood
circulation which has a direct impact on the production of milk. Massage therapy
increases prolactin hormone levels and improves lactation by relaxing shoulder and
back muscles.

Post Natal Massage Therapists

At Louisa Carter Health, we recognise that post natal healthcare is crucial to your
recovery and the ability to tackle all the challenges that come with caring for a newborn
baby. Contact our expert team of naturopaths and massage therapists today to begin
your post natal recovery the right way.

5 Reasons Why Massage is Good for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy Massage Therapist

Over the years, of the fields which has seen a resurgence is holistic pregnancy care.
Prenatal massage programs are designed to help boost health and wellbeing for
mothers who are expecting, while keeping their needs in mind. At Louisa Carter Health,
we recommend a pregnancy massage to all expecting mothers to help with a wide
range of health issues.

What is a Pregnancy Massage?

A pregnancy massage is specially adapted to take into consideration the anatomical
changes that your body goes through during pregnancy. A trained massage therapist
has the knowledge and experience to recognise the changes that your body is
undergoing and change their approach as required. Special cushioning systems allow
you to lie down comfortably without harming yourself or the baby. At Louisa Carter
Health we always take into consideration the emotional aspect that plays a significant
part throughout a women’s pregnancy journey, we offer a truly nurturing a holistic
approach to support both the physical and the emotional.

What are the Benefits of a Pregnancy Massage?

Studies show that a professional massage can help to reduce stress hormones
produced by the body. Here are some of the benefits of a pregnancy massage. Some of
the key benefits of a pregnancy massage include:

Treating Insomnia and reducing the impact of stress

A massage helps boost blood circulation and reduce stress hormones that have been
released by the body. Stress hormones adversely affect your sleep cycle and can lead
to anxiety and insomnia.

Alleviating Joint Pain

By massaging the joints, blood flow is increased in the tendons and other parts of the
joint, which helps to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Helping with Neck and Back Pain

The neck and back area are made up of a large number of muscles, nerves and blood
vessels. Stress often causes these areas to tense up, causing discomfort and a skillful
massage can help open these parts of the body up and relax them.

Sciatica relief and management

The lower back, buttock muscle and lower leg pain associated with sciatica is caused by
inflammation of the sciatic nerve. A massage helps find the root of the pain and help
alleviate the discomfort.

Minimising Headache and Sinus Congestion

A massage which focuses on the sinuses allows the areas around the head and nasal
passages open up for easier breathing. In general, a good massage helps oxygenate
the body, reduce inflammation and improve breathing.

Relief from Nausea and Fatigue

A good massage will help alleviate nausea symptoms that can often be overwhelming
during pregnancy. The time to rest and restore will help reduce symptoms of fatigue and
the women capacity to manage day to day life while growing a baby.

Pregnancy Massage Therapists

Contact Louisa Carter Health today to speak to our experienced team of naturopaths
and massage therapists. Click to find out more about prenatal healthcare and the
benefits of a pregnancy massage today!

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