These are soooo delicious. I love sharing them with visitors or taking a container full to a friend’s house. I get asked for the recipe every time.
o 1 cup buckwheat ‘buckinis’
o 1 cup desiccated coconut
o 2-4 heaped tbsp raw cacao (depends how dark or stimulating you want and like it)
o 1/2 cup pepitas (or sunflower seeds if you like)
o 1/2 cup coconut oil
o 1⁄2 cup rice malt and 3 drops of stevia
o 1/4 cup tapioca flour and 1/4 cup of buckwheat flour (or any other flour you have)
o 1 egg (you can substitute a mix of a tablespoon of chia seeds in 3 tbsp water instead of the egg for binding)
o 80 g of 80-90% dark chocolate for melting and indulgently drizzling over the top (optional)
o Preheat your oven to 180C
o Pop all of your ingredients (except for the buckinis) into a food processor. Pulse until they mix, the pepitas break up and it all comes together.
o Add the buckinis and pulse another couple of times. Then lay out onto parchment paper in a baking pan and press into a square or rectangle shape to cut your bars when it’s out of the oven.
o Bake for 20 – 25 minutes depending on your oven. When it smells biscuity is when it’s ready. It will harden as it cools.
o Take out of the oven and make false cuts into your bar shapes for easier cutting later. It’s like ‘marking out’ the shapes you want it to be, without going all the way to the bottom.
o Then, when still warm but almost cooled, cut your bars. If you wait until it’s cooled, you might get bits snap off, and have uneven looking bars.